
Peer-reviewed articles

[18] Hubert, J., Willems, M., Varkevisser, J. M. (in press). Pseudoreplication of sound treatments in underwater exposure studies. Anim. Beh. Xxx.

[17] Schmidlin, S., Parcerisas, C., Hubert, J.,  Watson, M.S., Mees, J., Botteldooren, D., Devos, P., Debusschere, E. & Hablützel, P.I. (2024). Comparison of the effects of reef and anthropogenic soundscapes on oyster larvae settlement. Sci. Rep. 14, 12580. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: xx]

[16] de Bruyn, W., Schendstok, J., Hubert, J. (2024). VGWatch: A low-cost stand-alone monitor to measure the valve gape of bivalves in the field. Ecol. Indic. 163, 112085. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: Zenodo]

[15] Hubert, J., Demuynck, J., Remmelzwaal, M. R., Muñiz, C., Debusschere, E., Berges, B. and Slabbekoorn, H. (2024). An experimental sound exposure study at sea: no spatial deterrence of free-ranging pelagic fish. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 155 (2), 1151-1161. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: Zenodo]

[14] De Gier, W. and Hubert, J. (2023). Something’s Fishy: An Unexpected Intertidal Encounter with the New Zealand lancelet, Epigonichthys hectori (Benham, 1901), near the Whangarei Heads, NZ. Diversity, 15(9), 1017. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: supplement]

[13] Dekker, L., Geraedts, V.J., Hubert, J., Duijndam, D., Durieux, M. D. J., Janssens, L., Moojen, W. A., van Zwet, E. W., Wermer, M. J. H., Kruyt, N. D. and van den Wijngaard, I. R. (2023). Prehospital Triage of Intracranial Hemorrhage and Anterior Large-Vessel Occlusion Ischemic Stroke: Value of the Rapid Arterial Occlusion Evaluation. Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology, 0:e000947. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: on request]

[12] Hubert, J., van der Burg, A. D., Witbaard, R. and Slabbekoorn, H. (2023). Separate and combined effects of boat noise and a live crab predator on mussel valve gape behaviour. Behavioral Ecology, 34, 495–505. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: Dryad]

[11] Hubert, J., Moens, R., Witbaard, R. & Slabbekoorn, H. (2022). Acoustic disturbance in blue mussels: sound-induced valve closure varies with pulse train speed but does not affect phytoplankton clearance rate. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(9), 1-12. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: Zenodo]

[10] Hubert, J., Booms, E., Witbaard, R. & Slabbekoorn, H. (2022). Responsiveness and habituation to repeated sound exposures and pulse trains in blue mussels. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 547, 151668. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: Zenodo]

[9] van der Knaap, I., Reubens, J., Thomas, L., Ainslie, M. A., Winter, H. V, Hubert, J., Martin, B. & Slabbekoorn, H. (2021). Effects of a seismic survey on movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod. Current biology, 31, 1-8. DOI. [HTML, data: Marine Data Archive]

[8] Hubert, J., van Bemmelen, J.J., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2021). No negative effects of boat sound playbacks on olfactory-mediated food finding behaviour of shore crabs in a T-maze. Environmental Pollution, 270, 116184. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: Zenodo]

[7] Hubert, J., Campbell, J. A., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2020). Effects of seismic airgun playbacks on swimming patterns and behavioural states of Atlantic cod in a net pen. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111680. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF, data: Zenodo]

[6] Hubert, J., Neo, Y. Y., Winter, H. V., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2020). The role of ambient sound levels, signal-to-noise ratio, and stimulus pulse rate on behavioural disturbance of seabass in a net pen. Behavioural Processes, 170, 103992. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF]

[5] Hubert, J., Campbell, J., van der Beek, J. G., den Haan, M. F., Verhave, R., Verkade, L. S., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2018). Effects of broadband sound exposure on the interaction between foraging crab and shrimp – A field study. Environmental Pollution, 243, 1923–1929. DOI. [Accepted manuscript: PDF, data: Zenodo]

[4] Neo, Y. Y., Hubert, J., Bolle, L. J., Winter, H. V., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2018). European seabass respond more strongly to noise exposure at night and habituate over repeated trials of sound exposure. Environmental Pollution, 239, 367–374. DOI. [Accepted manuscript: PDF]

[3] Spierings, M., Hubert, J., & ten Cate, C. (2017). Selective auditory grouping by zebra finches: testing the iambic–trochaic law. Animal Cognition, 20 (4), 665–675. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF]

[2] Neo, Y. Y., Hubert, J., Bolle, L., Winter, H. V., Ten Cate, C., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2016). Sound exposure changes European seabass behaviour in a large outdoor floating pen: Effects of temporal structure and a ramp-up procedure. Environmental Pollution, 214, 26–34. DOI. [Accepted manuscript: PDF]

[1] ten Cate, C., Spierings, M., Hubert, J., & Honing, H. (2016). Can birds perceive rhythmic patterns? A review and experiments on a songbird and a parrot species. Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (May), 1–14. DOI. [Open Access: HTML/PDF (download link)]

Conference proceedings

[4] Demuynck, J., Slabbekoorn, H. and Hubert, J. (accepted) Persistent Response and Habituation to Repeated Sound Exposure During a Test in Captivity with Pulse Train Variants in Pelagic Fish. In The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations (ed. Popper, A. N.). Springer, Cham. DOI.

[3] Hubert, J., Booms, E., Moens, R., van der Burg, A. D., Witbaard, R. and Slabbekoorn, H. (2023) Effects of repeated and continuous sound exposures on mussels (Mytilus spp.) in the lab. In The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations (ed. Popper, A. N.). Springer, Cham. DOI.

[2] Hubert, J., Wille, D. A., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2020). Exploring effects of sound on the time budget of fishes: An experimental approach with captive cod. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (Vol. 37, p. 010012). DOI. [Open Access: PDF, Data: Zenodo]

[1] Hubert, J., Neo, Y. Y., Campbell, J. A., & Slabbekoorn, H. (2016). Particle motion and pressure soundscape in outdoor vs indoor set-up. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (Vol. 27, p. 070007). DOI. [Open Access: PDF]


Hubert, J. (2021). Sound investigation: effects of noise on marine animals across trophic levels. Doctoral Thesis. Repository.

Popular article

[1] Soudijn, F., Hubert, J., & van der Knaap, I. (2020). Herrie onder water. Visionair, 57, 38–41. [Open Access: PDF (download link)]. [Dutch].